Articles in this series
. ASP.NET Entity Framework Core simplifies data access in ASP.NET applications by providing a powerful and flexible ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)...
The Database First approach is suitable when the database schema is already defined or when there is an existing database that needs to be integrated...
What is routing? Routing in ASP.NET refers to the mechanism by which URLs are mapped to specific resources or controllers in your web application. It...
What is identity in ASP.NET? ASP.NET Identity provides a robust and customizable framework for managing user authentication, authorization, and...
Install Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql from Nuget package manager console Set the connection string in appsettings.json as { "Logging": { ...
Create a view with a form: Create a view file (e.g., SendEmail.cshtml) where you'll place your form. You can place this view file in the Views...